What is Mastery?

What is mastery?

Mastery is the acquired skill by the practicing specialists in their chosen fields, after working for a long time and handling all the operations, related issues continuously in all their forms, in their own hands. With mastery, the experts gain useful insights on their workings and know ways and means of managing things and can apply their knowledge in unusual combinations.

This happens when the experts take difficulties as opportunities to fine tune their skills for a very long period. They could handle all this keeping one leg at the edge of their comfort zone and planting other leg forward in the required direction to set the bugging issue right to their satisfaction. When others avoid tough things, this group, look forward to learning something new out of interacting with problems.

This kind of interactive experience is totally different from other experienced guys working with government or big corporations. Here, they get to handle few things, most of the time in same forms, continuously several years, one after other, when moving up from lower department to higher levels in their career. This leads them to get their experience in a narrowed area, in much more time than required for the job. This kind of experience useful when handling limited issues in their possible varieties and combinations. Most of the time, they become helpless, when a tricky issue comes up to challenge the person sitting next to them in their department. They think it is their job nature that restricts them getting any command over the related things happening around their seats. After few years of service, they become passive and start ignoring workings all around them. Yet, they never hesitate claiming themselves as experts during any job appraisal.

With masters, there is an attitude in looking forward to difficulties and keep filling up gaps of the personalized skill set, kept under constant development.

History already demonstrated that only this type of special people as the pioneers who create something unique, useful, and taking rest of the world in their way, with plenty of examples.

People often think Microsoft’s Bill Gates as the lucky person, from a wealthy family, easily got into software and became billionaire by sheer luck. But Gates was putting in all his time, energy, enthusiasm into software right from school days and before joining his college, he acquired massive hands on experience in developing software solutions with the computing machines available at that time. Computer companies of his time, at his place,started luring him to develop solutions for them.

Likewise, you can notice the members of popular music band Beatles and another software personality, of Sun Micro, Bill Joy, were all working hard in their early career and pouring in their time, efforts and attention into learning more on their selected choice, non-stop. Beatles team used to play throughout the nights for a good amount of period in Germany, before landing into US. Bill Joy, too spent endless hours working on computers and the special algorithms required for his software development when his classmates had other things to do in the college life.

As the result, first, all these personalities accumulated the required knowledge on all the aspects of their chosen fields and that too in shorter time period. Armed with this kind of intimate knowledge of their chosen field, when they became ready to start something on their own, they could find unusual ways of using their knowledge to create new things, which helped the world work in new ways thereafter. When the rest of the world were watching things as they were happening, only these masters could stop in their tracks and applied their knowledge to create something, which could earn them landmarks in the history.

It is general assumption that with enough experience, anybody can create something new and exciting. But, in reality, it is not so easy and comfortable. The world never noticed anything special of these experts during their forming years of their career. These experts, really worked hard more time and tried to learn everything all by themselves, many times stealing the related work from others too to complete their understanding on the things. Only this hands on handling of all related things could give them their unique knowledge and helped them to get a powerful combination of inputs for their ideas. This is what differentiates them from rest of the experience gang. Probably, only these experienced guys became more surprised to see how the same inputs which were just floating in front of their eyes could take a massive form in expert hands. It is like, when an experienced sees a 26 out of 12+3+5+3+1+2, the experts gets a 1000 or more out of same inputs. Trick is to apply the inputs in various forms, in most unusual ways, to get the required results, rather than staying helpless in simply adding them together.

One has to take everything in hands, for a good amount of time, to get a command over the inputs which can be used later to manifest greater things. This is what gave Bill Gates confidence to quit Harvard university in second year, before finishing his graduation. In the previous five years, he was working with computers, in plenty of time, to understand the world of computer software and the future of software tools.

Masters of sports, music, writing, or any field, were doing the same thing in their career and stayed hidden with their glowing ambitions during a part of their career. When the rest of the world was doing things comfortable to them, these experts were inching forward in the nights towards their destiny and burst out of ground, one chosen day, to show the whole world their outputs! History never gives any alternate to anybody to achieve this kind. Only for the masters, the peace, fame, money, satisfaction get fused in total harmony and complete their life in all.

One has to take everything in hands, for a good amount of time, to get a command over the inputs which can be used later to manifest greater things. This is what gave Bill Gates confidence to quit Harvard university in second year, before finishing his graduation. In the previous five years, he was working with computers, in plenty of time, to understand the world of computer software and the future of software tools.

Masters of sports, music, writing, or any field, were doing the same thing in their career and stayed hidden with their glowing ambitions during a part of their career. When the rest of the world was doing things comfortable to them, these experts were inching forward in the nights towards their destiny and burst out of ground, one chosen day, to show the whole world their outputs! History never gives any alternate to anybody to achieve this kind. Only for the masters, the peace, fame, money, satisfaction get fused in total harmony and complete their life in all departments.

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